I am often struck by the fact that ostomates are part of a community that has anonymity, nobody knows of our anatomical differences unless we wish to share them. But then I think about all who have medical issues that are not visible. In fact, so many have all sorts of adjustments they have made that are never seen. We are a nation of survivors in countless ways, and I applaud all of us!

There are between 750,000-million ostomates in this country at any time, and there are close to 3 million with breast cancer alone, and countless others with physical and emotional battles they are fighting. What we have in common is that we have shown ourselves how strong, determined, and resilient we are in the face of challenges. This is not a platitude, this is a reality!

Fighting for the health and stability of our bodies is terribly overwhelming and frightening…dealing with the medical system, fees and insurance, loss of control, waiting for results, and anticipating the “next steps” all take their toll on us. Despite our best attempts, we may “lose it” along the way, adding more stress to an already stressful situation.

Many believe they are immune to these challenges, never having had to face them. Bravado makes them feel strong and powerful. Sadly, life can change on a dime, and even the strongest and most powerful must face their fears, ready or not.

My message is to be kind. Do not hesitate to show support for those in extremis. Help another who needs it. Attend to a conversation that makes you uncomfortable if it makes the patient feel better. Reach out and ask what another needs.

And please do the very same for yourself! Acknowledge that times are difficult and challenging, that this issue is not one you can ignore and hope will “go away.” The toll will be taken so be kinder than ever to yourself. Build your inner strength as you would a muscle at the gym.

We need to know we will get through the difficult and demanding days by empowering ourselves, and we will be stronger than ever for having done so. That is something we all have in common!

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Yes, it has been an incredible week for many, and a lot happening is not good! There, I have said it! NOT GOOD! Students are fighting each other and their colleges and universities are being bombarded by negative notoriety. Alumnae across the country are rethinking their financial support, and I fear the nightmare of Kent […]

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Our Ostomy Support Group has become a wonderful source of comfort, education, and positivity over the years. We are cohesive and I am proud to say that I have personally spoken with, or had contact with, each and every member at one time or another. In our one-on-one establishing of rapport, we discuss everything on […]

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